Participation fee € 80,00

“Sail boat and trekking on the Conero Mount”

Curated by Four Sailing in collaboration with Ti ci Porto.

The starting point will be the Rizzo Dock at 10.00. The boat will stop at the bay of Portonovo, where a fish-based lunch will be served on board; once finished, the participants will join the guide who will lead them through a two hours path discover...

ITALIAN NEWS - AdMed2016: programma giovedì 1 settembre - Alla Corte della Mole il Rossini di Pamela Villoresi

Alla Corte della Mole Pamela Villoresi con Soiree Rossini. Doppio appuntamento per Diritti e Rovesci: gli attivisti di Raqqa raccontano la vita sotto lo Stato Islamico, l’inviato Domenico Quirico di ritorno dalla Siria, all’Arco Paolo Giaro Quintet e alla Pinacoteca Eloisa Cascio

Giornata ricca di appuntamenti il giovedì di Adriatico Mediterraneo Festival ad Ancona. La serata alla Corte della Mole vede l’incontro tra una grande signora del teatro italiano e un grandissimo della storia della musica: Pamela Villoresi in &...

Participation fee € 80,00

“Sail boat and trekking on the Conero Mount”

Curated by Four Sailing in collaboration with Ti ci Porto.

The starting point will be the Rizzo Dock at 10.00. The boat will stop at the bay of Portonovo, where a fish-based lunch will be served on board; once finished, the participants will join the guide who will lead them through a two hours path discover...

Adriatico Mediterraneo 2016 | 10th edition

Edoardo and Eugenio Bennato are back to the Mole Vanvitelliana to celebrate the 10th edition of the Festival. The Adriatico Mediterraneo 2016 award, in memory of Giulio Regeni.

Adriatico Mediterraneo celebrates its 10th anniversary opting for Italian and international music of good quality and for a broad range of distinguished guests, in order to delve into the present situation of the Mediterranean area. From August 27th...